We will drive from San Diego to our Festival site on April 13, 2025 (departure about 10:0am) and drive back to San Diego on April 19 (arriving about 5pm).

Baja Kayak Festival - Registration

British Canoeing Assessments may be available! Dates for a Sea Leader Assessment TBD. If you would like to assess for Sea Leader, please let Jen know! Advance registration with British Canoeing is required. Please visit www.britishcanoeing.org.uk for details.

Britsh Canoeing Personal Performance Award assessments for "Sea Kayak" and "Coastal Sea Kayak" are also possible. There are no pre-requisites or advance registration needed for these - you just need to tell us! Please visit www.britishcanoeing.org.uk to read the details of the awards and what is required to pass an assessment.