ON the Water

Sure, we're in Mexico, but it's not Mazatlan!  The water will be 55-62 so drysuits are appropriate, especially for rescue practice!  We expect experienced kayakers to be able to make good risk assessments regarding their clothing choices, but feel free to ask us for advice.  The air temperature can vary significantly in the spring time from warm and sunny to cool and foggy, so a variety of options is highly recommended!  There will be areas for drying wet gear each evening and things tend to dry fast in the desert!  Beaches and landings are rocky and slippery.  Protective FOOTWEAR IS REQUIRED!!  Helmets will be required for most journeys.

OFF the Water

Casual clothing that can be layered for cool evenings.  You'll want long pants and fleeces at night.  A lightweight wind/rain jacket should be suitable outerwear.  Rain is unlikely, but mist/fog is a possibility.